Granny verteld!

Granny verteld!

Grandpa tells or says in this case, grandma or as my friends call me ‘Granny’! When I began my Bikkel Year last year I had high expectations, especially myself. As you read this I sit somewhere on the other side of the world in Ecuador and I to enjoy a wonderful trip, and believe me you could do worse! Now as to the other side of the world, it is also a good time to really conclude certain things and to look further into next year!

addition to the high expectations of myself I had some trouble at first with the name of “dibs.” From my nursing training was called dibs synonymous men with only one ball. Well I’m not a man, and technically I do not have a ball, but I have two. Some people around me enormous size. I will not shy away from challenges and I like to call evidence to the contrary of what other people. It maybe it was not so much the name but probably more in the fact that I myself was not so much a real Bikkel / find. I can (almost) everything still, almost in brackets because I find that I can have all or at least should be. I think a lot ‘Bikkels’ recognize this. Yourself not find pathetic and unprecedented demands on yourself. At least I do, because it can almost always be better, better and faster. Much of that passion comes from my physical challenge (really hate the term limitation), the drive, the drive and positivity is even more emerged after my accident because I did not feel so weak and powerless me as when .

Failure or learning
I got myself so very much ‘made’ and I keep my limits further search and stretching the fact that I did therefore frequently during the past year and I have not be able to focus my Bikkel year as I would have liked. That was difficult because giving up next is “failure” or not doing what you promised me as difficult or perhaps more difficult! Although I am not a successful sports marketing firm, as I had planned at the beginning of the year. I know now that I do not ‘failed’ do! I learned a lot. So I know for example that I have a lot that I pass the toad touch (literally and figuratively) and I the people where I sit, support or my confidant, do not have more confidence losses or let me down leave. Partly because cherish, appreciate and I delighted my (Bikkel) family and friends. Sometimes because all you need is a big hug of encouragement that you can and it is good and that is abundant and seriously appreciated!

Sorry waste of time
was it ever been said to me that I live there is not going to dare to set foot on the brake, now it is no more! I do what I say and I say what I do and it also attaches great importance to. At the end of the day you should namely be happy with yourself, but also as a good friend said to me if you die (which of course no one wants, but as I know an accident is in a small corner …) you please look back, you are happy with who you are, what you’ve done and the main regret because regret is a waste of time!

By now I begin to accept more and more, I learn to say no and to give my limits. That I have not started the company at the end of this year Bikkel I wish I had but all the choices I made during this year, I made myself and really made for myself. My own sports marketing agency is still a wish but for now I’m looking at first some more experience so I really can soon start something for myself if I made something more flight hours. As Jason Mraz sings I will not give up, because it is not in my DNA. It is important to Fight for what you want and what you believe and do what makes you happy!

Something I and the rest of the Bikkels take literally anyone and I can recommend the following:
Do not limit your challenges, challenge your limits! 

As I have too many others to give up a lot, I do not think I or someone really should give up so much! So keep dreaming, wishes and give each other these dreams and desires!

Granny closes!
Lotte Trigt


Lotte van Trigt

Lotte van Trigt

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